Thursday, July 06, 2006

I forgot to mention that E and I went over to Outer Point to check out the tide pools on the afternoon of the 4th. Saw tiny crabs and other invertebrates, and someone before us had left some really cool rock art! :-) Had a great time photographing that!

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Tuesday, July 4th: Parade time! E and I marched with Juneau Peace Action and the Veterans for Peace carrying huge paper cranes on poles and signs about stopping the war in Iraq. The response was amazingly positive, and apparently very different from 3 years ago.
After the parade E and I wandered around Douglas Island checking out the festivities there, then headed over to her friend Ron's for a party. :-) Had a great time, and then it was home to pack!

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More from East Glacier.
Columbine flower, ice limit marker Posted by Picasa

After the hike we ate dinner and worked our way downtown for a music event at Marine Park and some Pel Meni before the fireworks at midnight. I met one of the state representatives, got a 'green' bag as an alternative to the plastic ones whose remnants outnumber plankton in the oceans (bet you didn't know THAT scary fact, huh?), and had an ice cream with Tlingit art on the cone. The Pel Meni place is a strange restaurant with one item on the menu and hours from 11:00pm-1:30am M-F. Weird. But good, in a spicy Russian dumpling sorta way. After we had gotten our dumplings, the task began on where to sit. Since I can't be inside of a bar in Juneau, we opted for a spot out on the dock where E and her friends could be on one side of the rope and we could pull the table over to me on the other. :-P We had a great time watching the crowd and eventually the fireworks. A great start to my last day in Juneau.
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Not such a busy day...I slept in and walked the wetlands to get some mileage...hung out with Kaley...just enjoying some sun while it was lasting. (yes, the weather finally perked up!) E came home early so that we could go out to East Glacier Trail and retake some of the pictures that didn't turn out the first time. It was too cloudy the first weekend I was in Juneau, the mountains looked cut off and the glacier just blended right into them. It was really nice to get a good look at how my shape was improving...we made better time and it was just more fun not huffing and puffing all the way. It's a short trail, 3 miles for the whole loop, but with amazing views of the Mendenhall Glacier.

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A few more from the flying excursion!
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Sunday, July 2nd
Today I woke up and decided to take Mo's advice: call Des Keisler and see about going flying. He'd said he'd love to take me up in his plane, and I had gotten permission from the it was up to me to call. I thought I would be waking him up at 9:30am on a Sunday, but no, he said he was going to Sitka at 10:00am and that I should come along. Oh man! Thirty minutes later I arrived looking at least 3/4 put together and just a tad nervous about what I was getting myself into. Turns out that Des flys a small turquoise plane and is well versed in cool places to see around Juneau. We went out to a bay that's known for its wildlife, hoping to see some bears/moose/mountain goats...Nothing was out right then, but we did fly over some gorgeous moutains and got a great look at the rim of the Juneau icefield....just breathtaking in person and I don't think I could really capture it in pictures. But these are my attempt anyway. :-) After the short trip out to the Bay we picked up his aunt and younger cousin to drop the boy off in Sitka at camp. Sitka is an hour west and right on the ocean with a population of about 8,000. Our stop was short, we dropped off the cousin and picked up two pies from the airport diner. Apparently they're rather famous at the Juneau airport and Des was instructed not to come back empty handed. Coconut banana cream and raspberry rhubarb if you were wondering. Dinner with Jim and Blair was really fun, they brought a coworker of Blair's named Amanda who's going to be a senior at a college in WA and is studying Art History. She and Blair both work for the cruise industry driving shuttle vans of tourists to and from the sightseeing trips they book while on the ships. We talked and ate and talked and ate for about 4 hours...the salmon, garlic bread, and berry dessert were deliciand we had a great time.
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Saturday, July 1st:
Oh man, what a day! Friday I effectively spent the day at the gym, getting there early to do some cardio before an Iyengar yoga class, then coming back for a CoreFit workout later in the afternoon. Subway in between as well as a lazy, time-killing stroll through downtown. Helped my aunt scan a few documents and hung out at her office for the rest of the day.
Today E and I decided that we would try to hike Mt. Jumbo despite the cloud cover and just see how high we could get. The trail starts off just feet from someone's house on a street on Douglas Island and doesn't waste any time getting steep. We made it into and through the first patch of woods, about a mile up, before we came out into a meadow and some serious drizzle. It felt good at the time but posed a serious hypothermia risk if we'd continued up so we decided to hike back down and start over with a new trail. Ended up at Auk Nu, a 3 mile trail with a steady incline and a cabin at the end. :-) Oh, and lots of boardwalk. Lots, and lots of boardwalk. Through the swampy meadows with their shrunken and strange trees, and the woods with the mud and roots it went, springy and dangerously slippery. After a small eternity we made it to the cabin (note of advice: never trust time estimates from a speed walker) and discovered a group of hungover teenagers and a small liquor store's worth of alcohol. They were friendly enough and we didn't stay too long. The bugs were bad and getting worse the longer we sat for lunch. We left the kids to their bear paradise of open food, wrappers, and general carelessness. The view coming back down was spectacular, the whole Juneau valley was visible, but my camera was out of juice and I'm sorry I don't have any pictures.
So that was 8 miles there. After dinner at Hot Bite (yum! fresh fish and chips is incredible!) we headed out to the Nickelodeon theatre to see An Inconvenient Truth....oh man. Al Gore is my hero. Go see that movie if you have to mortgage your house for the ticket price. Ran into some friends of E's, Blair and Jim, who promptly invited us over to dinner on Sunday. :-) Turns out we were all headed over to Only Fools Run at Midnight charity race, Jim was running and E and I were going to do the 1 mile walk with friends. The walk was a blast, people linked together in costume as centipedes and competed for group went as a sled dog team pulling a sled and another was the entire 50 states!