Sunday, June 25, 2006

Today it is raining. It has been raining since last Wednesday, with occasional breaks for wind and some sun. But today it is realllllly raining. Not much hope for a hike today. Plans? Possibly going downtown (I still have some souveniers to get), maybe working at my aunt's office. Lots of laundry. I am now intimately aware of everything in my suitcase and know when I am missing a sock or a hair-tie. I found both of them today while doing laundry.
Signed up for the Only Fools Run at Midnight 1 mile walk as a part of the 4th of July celebrations. They have fireworks on the night of the 3rd here, and the parade and parties are all on the 4th. It makes sense, since they have to wait till 12 anyway for it to be dark enough to do the fireworks...this way you don't have to go to work in the morning. :-P
I finished my Bio. Anthro. class on Thursday, I'm pretty sure I got a 4.0, but I'll know for sure on Monday. Interning is going kinda slow, but I have enough to do to get me through at least most of next week. Doesn't look like I'll be getting any field time, but oh well. I was still a "Student Intern for Beth Mathews of the UAS Biology Dept."
Sent a bunch of postcards on Saturday, I still have a few more to do before I leave. Wow, this month has gone by so fast...I only have another 10 days or so here. :-( It'll be a packed 10 days though, I can promise you that! Oh by the way, if you wanted to write to me you have until the 30th to get a letter in the mail and for me to get it before I leave. Thanks guys!


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