Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The weather lately has been rough, lot's of rain since last Wednesday and the occasional break in the clouds. During one such break this Sunday Elizabeth and I decided to hike the much-talked-about Herbert Glacier Trail. It's supposedly 5 miles each way, over a newly improved surface. In truth, it's 4.5 miles each way, over a newly improved surface. Due to the receeding of the glacier the landscape around that last half mile has changed, and is now a tangled mess of alder-trees and rock. Not fun, especially with limited markings for where to go. I think you're supposed to be able to get much closer to the glacier if you can make it that last half mile, but we decided it was a bit too dangerous to be stumbling around in. When we came back from our last bit of adventure, Elizabeth pointed out a baby porcupine sitting in the trees not far from the beach. The little guy didn't mind me taking pictures, until I was about 3 feet away, then he got his quills up. :-) Still he didn't run off, and scratched his head with his foot for the camera.

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